
- Chris Loomis
- Nothing you need to know specifically, so go watch some video's
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
News: What's next.....
Alright winter break is coming up, with christmas right around the corner. I have "Halo Kart" currently in production, with the video filmed and post production standing by. Unfortunately as I am heading to my parents place for the holidays, I wont have the equipment i need to continue work on it. So Halo Kart will be set aside until the New Year. I've also got a few "shorts" in mind, but those will come around later.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Video: Fighting with Fairfax
The Spirits of Fire (my video game clan) are hosting a Halo Reach tournament. This is to raise money to help stop a condition known as infantile spasms. I was tasked with creating a promotional video for the tournament. This is what I came up with:
Fighting with Fairfax
In the planning process, I also came up with a different version. It ended up not being used, but I liked it so much I decided to keep it as a separate unrelated video:
Halo: Reach WTF BOOM
So if your a gamer, play lots of Halo, or just want to help a good cause, click the promo vid link, get the info, and sign up for the tournament!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Video: Containment Breach
Another film created for a 48 hour film contest, the genre being horror. Unfortunately this one didn't make the deadline, but was fun to make anyway!
Containment Breach
Monday, September 13, 2010
Video: The Rifle in the Rock
There is a legend. A legend of a weapon that held such power, it is said no one man could wield it. But this myth will not stop those brave enough, or greedy enough, from trying.
This is the result of my work over the weekend for the 48 hour machinima contest. Special thanks to GW, DeepCee and Xerone for all the work and acting you provided, and Apollo for the kickass music and sound fx.
This is the result of my work over the weekend for the 48 hour machinima contest. Special thanks to GW, DeepCee and Xerone for all the work and acting you provided, and Apollo for the kickass music and sound fx.
The Rifle in the Rock
YouTube: Link-CrazedOne1988
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Video: Team Slayer
This short story I just thought of while driving home the other day. Filmed it yesterday, edited today. Thanks to the folks over at Hawty McBloggy forums for helping me out with this.
Team Slayer
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Video: What I'm Made of
As Halo 3's run draws to a close, I decided to put together a montage of some of my best moments in Halo 3. Making a "skill" montage isn't something I normally do, but this isn't even really a skill montage itself. It's more of a highlight reel showcasing some of my better or luckier moments throughout my Halo 3 career. I know the gameplay isn't MLG good or anything, but I'm not an MLG player. Thanks for the years Halo 3, now we welcome in Reach.
What I'm Made of
Monday, August 23, 2010
News: Back in Action
I was in Vegas a bit longer than I expected (about 2.5 months longer), but I'm back home and ready to get back on the videos. I also recently got the Adobe Production Premium CS5, which seems to take care of the "glitchyness" that has been in a few of my later videos (using footage that I captured from xbox). There are a few projects I need to wrap up and others I want to start, but in the mean time enjoy this little moment I captured during the Halo: Reach Beta
Falcon Punch
YouTube: Link
Also, 3 weeks till Halo: Reach!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
News: All videos on Hiatus
I am posting this message to inform you all of my current situation. I have 2 video's on the table: HMB 2nd Doubles Torney and HMB: Reach Experience. I have the clips for these ready to go, but there are some bugs that still need working out before I can begin. I want these and future video's to look as good as possible, but an unknown occurrence during exporting is causing the videos to look scrambled and messy at points. So until I can get this problem sorted, I won't be releasing any videos. When we have significant events take place, I will request clips and content, but this content will only be collected and put on hold. I hope I can get this sorted out quickly as I want to continue work on these, but for the time being all highlight and recap vids are being put on hiatus.
At this point, the earliest for me to get this resolved would be in about 2 weeks. It might be earlier, It might be later. Please stand by......
At this point, the earliest for me to get this resolved would be in about 2 weeks. It might be earlier, It might be later. Please stand by......
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Video: Halomon
After many months of planning and work, I bring you the next chapter in the Nintendo/Halo mashup videos. Based on the hit nintendo game "Pokemon", our trainer takes on the task to claim the Reach Badge. But is he up to the challenge?
I would like to give a special shout out to those who helped me create this video. Mr. Meyagi and thelightshow for forging the town and gym, and Xerone, Apollo Running, and Halo Bungie Org for supplying the sound fx.
I would like to give a special shout out to those who helped me create this video. Mr. Meyagi and thelightshow for forging the town and gym, and Xerone, Apollo Running, and Halo Bungie Org for supplying the sound fx.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Video: Halo 2 Tribute
For the end of an era, I present this tribute to Halo 2. Using cutscenes from Halo 2 and the soundtrack from the recent Halo Reach multiplayer trailer. I wanted to use multiplayer footage from Halo 2, but it was a bit difficult to come by. Thanks to HBO for supplying the cutscenes and bungie for the track. Thanks for the memories.
Halo 2 Tribute
YouTube: Link
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
News: Stuff in Progress
I know it's been a while since I have updated here. School has really been breathing down my neck. But, I do have a few videos in progress:
Halomon- Similar to Legend of Halo, this has finished preparatory stages and is currently in production. I had originally hoped to have it released sooner, but there have been delays. But I work on it a bit at a time and hope to have it completed by the end of the month.
Road Trip- The cross country move from Maryland to Nevada is still in progress. I haven't devoted as much time to it as I would like, but hope I can get it done soonish.
Halo 2 Tribute- This idea came to me about a week ago. With Live support for the original xbox being cut off, Halo 2 will practically die with it. (There's still LAN parties and campaign, but how often do people play those?) That is still in the planning stages, but is small enough of a project to be completed quickly.
With those in the works, I have a bit of work to do. Just stay on the line.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Video: Halo 3 Promotional Trailer
So it's been a while since I have updated here. Vacation and all that. But I return with a new video. In the wake of seeing all my friends going over to MW2, I decided to create a video promoting the Halo 3 online multiplayer experience. It also gave me a chance to test out my new HD capture device. Inspired by the Halo: Reach Trailer
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