
- Chris Loomis
- Nothing you need to know specifically, so go watch some video's
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Video: Hawty McBloggy Forum Night 12/13/2008
So it seems like it's been an eternity since the last video post, but here it is! Not exactly what was expected at this point though.
The other night i was fortunate enough to play in my first forum night with fellow gamers over at Hawty McBloggy.com. Of course afterward, I had to take my Fyrefight recap concept and apply it to the forum night. I missed making recap vids. There would be a fyrefight to go with it, as we had a fight that day as well, but unfortunately I was unable to make it. So for now this one recap will have to do.
Friday, December 12, 2008
News: Quiet

So it's been rather quiet around here. With Fyreball.com down, there have been no new fyrefights and i have been unable to get my last audio file. Of course once I get that, I'll get episode 2 out ASAP.
In the mean time, here's some Nintendo themed halo 3 screenshots I was working on a few months ago. I've gained interest in them again, and will be taking any requests. So until I get a new video out, enjoy!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
News: Any Day Now
So Episode 2 is still underway.
Many different factors have led to the delay being this long. The latest one being my main source of communication with others went down, and has been down for a few weeks now. I do have all the voice overs, save one. I would do the voice over myself, but it's one of the bigger roles and it will be obvious if I voice two of the major roles.
So until Fyreball.com gets back online, Episode 2 will be delayed until further notice.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
News: Episode 2 delayed
So I was hoping to have episode 2 out by this weekend, but things changed and I realized something.
I can't voice act at all.
I can only really do the one voice. Trying to do multiple voices all still sound the same. So I dropped that idea and am recruiting help for various voices. This takes longer to find people, get their recorded voices, then add it.
The good news is filming is done, video is finished. I just need the dialog and soundtrack. So once I get those voice-overs, it won't take to long to get out. So expect it soonish.
Friday, November 7, 2008
News: Good News!
So I finally got my recording xbox from repair.
I have my set-up back up and running, and am currently in post production on Outpost 27-Delta Episode 2. Hopefully it will be out within the week. Look for it soon, We are back in business!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Video: Jump
So this is a little video I came up with for a school assignment.
It's not as good as it could be, I rushed post-production a bit. Really dropped the ball, and had to hurry to get it submitted in time. So please forgive the suckish quality.
Well I hope you get a chuckle out if it.
As for Outpost 27-Delta E2 and future fyrefight recaps, the dead xbox has been sent in, and I should get it back any time now. I really want to finish Outpost 27 soon, and will finish it as soon as i get the xbox back. Just a little longer.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
News: Son of a .......
So I was all ready to start production on episode 2 of outpost 27-Delta, when my xbox froze. I looked at it and sure enough, those three red rings were blinking there, laughing at me.
So until I can send it in, get it fixed, and get it back, all productions will be on hold.
I know...... It sucks....
So I didn't mention this earlier, but I will be going out of town for the extended weekend starting tomorrow. This means the fyrefight 32 and Outpost 27-Delta will be posponed at least till I get back.
(Then again, even if I were here, the lack of xbox prevents me from recording anyway, so what does it matter)
Stupid Red Ring 'o' Death...........
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Video: Fyrefight 31

So I sent in a request to Handmade Hero to make me a portrait of my Halo 3 armor, and it totally rocks! If you want one done, just click the link I provided here to his blog, or the link at the "Places to Visit" area.
But onto what this post is for. I just got Fyrefight 31 finished. Here it is:
Fyrefight 31
This one was a long one, with a total of 10 games played in 2.5 hours. Very fun indeed.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Video: Fyrefight 30
Here it is. Just got it finished today.
Fyrefight 30
It was an awesome fight, though it was a short one.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
News: Good and Bad
So it's that time again.
On the one hand, we had our 30th Fyrefight today, and I am currently working on the recap.
But on the other hand, Outpost 27-Delta Episode 2 has been delayed again. Lots of stuff going on lately, and I just haven't had time to get to it. Hopefully I'll get some work done on it this week, and it may be out this next weekend.
So for now, just look for the recap here sometime tomorrow.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Video: Fyrefight 29 and news
So I've got Fyrefight 29 up and running. It was an awesome fight, and hope it continues this way. Here's the link:
Fyrefight 29
As for Outpost 27-Delta, Episode 2 is under way. Im just wrapping up filming and an in the editing stages. Look for it in about a week, maybe 2 if things don't go well.
So that's it, enjoy!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Update: Further Delay
So my new series, Outpost 27-Delta, has been further delayed. My stupid Premiere Pro is acting up and wont render the video. I have to wait till monday to contact adobe about it, so it won't even be released until at least then.
But on the bright side, there will be a fyrefight recap sometime today or tomorrow. We played in halo 3, so I can make a recap for it, though it will be a short one this time around.
I managed to figure out what the problem was, so the first episode of Outpost 27-Delta will be released today! Hurrah!
Outpost 27-Delta E1
Machinima: Link
Fyrefight 28
Friday, September 19, 2008
News: Delay
Sorry for the lack of information lately. I have ben busy working on my latest machinima, tweaking it until it is as good as I can make it with my limited abilities. Plus I got "The Force Unleashed" yesterday, and spent the whole day playing that.
I am almost done with the first episode of my new series. Hopefully it will be out by the weekend, and when it gets uploaded I will post the link here. So look for it soon.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Video: Team Doubles
So I have created my first machinima. It's only mediocre, voices are lacking, not as good as it could have been. I admit I did rush this one, got to excited to get it out. Next time it will be better.
Speaking of next time, I do have an idea in mind for a serious machinima. The first episode probably won't be released for a while though, as this time I am going to take it slow and make sure I create something worth putting out. But look for it in a few weeks.
As for the comedy series I had in mind, (Not related to this single episode), I am still waiting for the green light. I think they may have forgotten me, or am just ignoring me.....
Well for now, here's Team Doubles.
Machinima: Link
Sunday, September 7, 2008
News: Wait for it.....
So there is no Fyrefight Recap this week. We played in halo 2, and as mentioned before, I can only really recap in halo 3 due to theater mode. But getting away from that....
I am still waiting on conformation for a machinima series I have in mind. There is one short film I will most likely work on this week, and hopefully have out by next weekend. It would be a stand-alone episode, unless I could expand upon it, which I really doubt.
In regard to the live-action fight, I have finished splitting up the scenes, and am in the process of picking the best takes and getting them in order. The overall quality of the fight is lacking, and I may need to adjust some of my plans, as it doesn't really live up to what I had expected. This fight may never see the public, but that will be determined when I get it finished.
So until next time, stay tuned.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Video: Two This Time
Sorry for the lack of info last week. With college starting up again, moving from Maryland to Utah, and unpacking and all, I just didn't have the time to create a recap for Fyrefight 24.
I do have the content, and will have both recap 24 and 25 up by tomorrow. Look for them here:
So thats it. Enjoy.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
News: No Recap This Week....
So There wont be a 23rd Fyrefight Recap. Not due to lack of participation though, just it was in a different game, Marathon 2.
Unfortunately for me, my abilities are limited, and can only make recaps for Fyrefights played in Halo 3. We all know that the theater mode in H3 is awesome, giving you a view of the battle from pretty much anywhere. If i attempted a recap in most other games, it would only document what I was doing at the time. And no one wants to see that....
But the good news is that I am starting to get my machinima ideas together. Hopefully the pilot episode for my first series will be released within the month, early to mid september. As for the live action fight, it's not exactly as i planned it, but it's coming along slowly but steadily.
Hopefully next week a new recap will be up.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
News: An Unexpected Turn
It looks like there won't be a recap for Fyrefight 22. As it turns out, not a lot of people have put up any content for me to use, and i hear only 4-5 people even showed up. So without any content to use, I will have to pass this one up....
Well today wasn't a total loss.
I managed to put this montage together of a weird splatter I got while on vacation.
Magic Splatter
Sunday, August 10, 2008
News: Return
Well I am back from my two week vacation time, and have a load of things to catch up on. First off, I have 3 fyrefight recaps due, 2 which should be out today, and the third later on. Second, I have just finished filming for my live action fight, and am in the editing stages. The editing takes alot of time, so that wont be done for a few months. I also have an idea for a machinima series, as well as a short one episode that could go into more, but more on that later....
For now, enjoy the Fyrefight recaps that I have fallen behind on. They should be up later today and I will post the links here.
Finally got them done. You can view them here:
Fyrefight 20
Fyrefight 21
Saturday, July 26, 2008
News: Vacation Time and New Project
So I am off to the lake for two weeks. I won't be able to put out any fyrefight vids, as I wont have access to my computer.
But while there I will begin filming for a live-action fight I have had in the planning stage for a while now.
So while some things are put on hold, others are underway.
See ya in Two!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Video: A new Fyrefight recap
So yesterday Fyreball.com had it's 19th Fyrefight.
I just got the recap video done and uploaded.
You can view it here.
Other news: I have some ideas for both a continuing series, as well as some stand alone episodes. More on that later though.
Thanks for watching.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
And out of the starting gate.............
Hello all!
I am CrazedOne1988, and am just getting starting into the world of Machinima. Here is where I will be posting Recap Videos of Fyrefights held on Halo 3 and other videos I create. Fyrefights are weekly get togethers of members of the Fyreball Website. You can find a link to the site on the sidebar. I am also working on a big video project, not machinima, but live action, and will post updates. But for now, enjoy the videos I have already created, located on the right.
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